5 Omnichannel opportunities for biopharma to engage HCPs in the medical space

By Ben Harbour, VP Global Accounts at Precision AQ (the new name of Across Health) 
and expert trainer of CELforPharma’s 1-day Strategic Omnichannel for Medical Affairs

Physicians want more digital communications than biopharma is currently providing, certainly for educational activities. This so-called "Digital Divide" has been shown in research by Precision AQ (formerly Across Health) year-on-year.

Below you can find the five opportunities you have to engage with HCPs in the digital space and fill this gap! 

1. Richer Content

You can convey your message more effectively by using different types of content. Consider digitised slides, videos, podcasts, and webinars. This richer content leads to better engagement and understanding of your HCP target audience. 

2. Ease of Access

Omnichannel communication offers HCPs the opportunity to access your content when it suits them best. This can be done, for example, through on-demand presentations and virtual conferences. This allows HCPs to easily consult and keep up with your information without having to be physically present at an event. 

3. Greater Reach and Frequency

Omnichannel communication also enables you to reach a larger audience and engage more frequently with HCPs. This can be done, for example, through webinars and eCMEs. You can also set up HCP communities as a way to communicate with your audience regularly and inform them about the latest developments. 

4. Value-added services

Biopharma can provide additional value by developing HCP apps for diagnosis and disease management, a self-service portal for healthcare providers, and omnichannel patient education and therapy adherence. These services can facilitate the work of HCPs and help them provide better care to their patients. 

5. High Customer Interest and Need

Research by Precision AQ (formerly Across Health) (*) shows that 67% of HCPs prefer omnichannel engagement when it comes to medical information from biopharma, whereas 51% prefer it for promotional information. However, only 44% of HCPs are satisfied with the current digital offerings from biopharma. There is, therefore, a great opportunity to meet the needs and desires of HCPs by embracing omnichannel communication.


In conclusion, by leveraging these five omnichannel opportunities, biopharma companies can communicate more effectively, expand their reach, and add value to their services. This will ultimately lead to a better customer experience for HCPs and improved care for patients.


(*) Navigator365 Core, EU5 + US specialists, 2023-2024 (n= 5635)




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